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- • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
- • Mindful Self Compassion & Resilience programme
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- • Mindfulness Stress At Work
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Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Class for the Workplace
Simple and
accesible to all, Mindfulness
workplace programs empower
individuals, groups, and
teams to
participate in their own health and wellness.
There is no doubt about it, today’s business is a round-the-clock atmosphere. We are hounded with external pressures, overwhelmed with information overload, asked to deliver more with less, work longer hours, and have less personal time for renewal activities. What is the result? Self-inflicted attention deficit disorder, exhaustion, lack of focus, reduced health, and burnout. This leads to lower job satisfaction, morale, and productivity. Hardly the results we want.
We can help people train their minds to be fitter, calmer, more open, flexible, resilient and vital so that they can thrive and be at their best even in today’s highly challenging always-on environment.
We’re passionate about helping businesses empower their workforce for success.
These programs offer effective, sustainable, and continually-researched methods for integrating mindfulness into the workplace.
Research data collected from workplace programmes show:
- 32% decrease in medical symptoms
- 29% decrease in perceived stress symptoms
- 26.5% increase in acting with self-awareness
- 13% increase in self-efficacy
- 26% increase in observational skills
- 25% increase in non-reactivity
- 22% increase in non-judgement
For more details phone Pauline 086 3784747