Hopi Ear Candling

hopi ear candlingHopi ear candling originates from medical ceremonies performed by a Native American Indian tribe known as the Hopis or Peace People. The candle is actually a cotton tube, impregnated with beeswax, honey and therapeutic oils. Hopi ear candles act like a chimney, drawing away the vapour and any impurities from within the ear. This in turn regulates the pressure system within the ear and the head, making the candle treatment suitable for many conditions.

The hollow candle is gently placed in the ear and the part furthest from the ear is lit, the burning action of the Hopi ear candle infuses the herbs and essential oils into a vapour, which is drawn into the auditory canal. This performs a massaging function as well as softening and drawing out any impurities. Hopi ear candles have been used for centuries throughout North America and Asia to treat ear problems and had been known to the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks.

What Can it Treat?

Hopi ear candles may not be the first thing that you think of to treat ear, nose and throat problems, however the candles are used to treat many ailments, including migraine and headaches, glue ear in children, catarrh, sore throats, sinusitis, tonsillitis, flu and excessive ear wax.

Conditions that Hopi ear candles can improve:

  • Compacted Ear Wax
  • Glue Ear
  • Tinnitus & Noises/Ringing in the Ears
  • Rhinitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Colds
  • Flu
  • Sore Throats
  • Hay Fever
  • Catarrh
  • Asthma
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Regulation of Pressure in Ears & Head
  • Stimulation of Blood & Energy Flow, Lymphatic System & Metabolic Rate
  • Calming and Relaxing in cases of Anxiety and Stress


This therapy is not suitable for people that have had recent ear surgery, or for those with ear grommets or perforated ear drums. Also, if the client has any inflammation to the ear or infections.

What Happens During a Session?

The therapist directs you comfortably onto a massage bed. The treatments starts with a gentle head, face and neck massage. Then you lie on your side and the therapist places a candle in the ear and lights the end furthest away. Staying with you at you at all times, the therapist is always near you. The candles are unlike conventional candles and there is no wax and it is never painful. Many people report a state of complete mental, physical and emotional relaxation, some even fall asleep. Many often comment on feeling a soothing, liberating, light sensation in the ear and head areas.

Ear Candling is said to relieve pressure and pain, mainly in the ear and head area. It works on the ear, nose and throat and helps unblock the sinus passages. It is a safe and effective treatment for children too. It helps relieve headaches & migraines, loosens compacted earwax, and has even been found to alleviate snoring! It is helpful for pressure regulation after flying or diving.